The Harmful Truth about High Heels

High heels can make you look long and lean, and can definitely add some glitz to your outfit—but unfortunately, that’s not all they’re doing.

Prolonged wearing of high heels can lead to foot pain, ingrown toe nails, bunions, nerve damage, or damage to leg tendons. Additionally, lower back pain, osteoarthritis of the knee, and overworking an injured leg muscle can also result from wearing high heels over time.

These problems are likely to develop because the feet are forced into an unnatural position when they are in high heels, therefore placing increased weight on the toes. The incorrect redistribution of weight causes the body to lean forward and puts a strain on the back, knees, and hips. In addition, the change in posture also puts pressure on the nerves which can trigger numbness and pain throughout the entire body.

The conditions that result from wearing high heels don’t develop immediately. They occur from frequent high heel wear. Eliminating high heels from a wardrobe may not be favorable for some, however following these recommendations can reduce some of the issues they may cause:

  • wear a sensible heel height or consider a wedged shoe
  • use insoles to help reduce the impact to your knees
  • wear the correct size shoe
  • wear heels on days you expect limited walking or standing
  • alternate shoes throughout the day or from day to day
  • stretch your calf muscles and feet a few times a day


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