What is the most common blood type of people living in the U.S.?

blood type -459403221What is the most common blood type of people living in the United States?

1. Type O positive

2. Type A negative

3. Type B positive

The answer is 3- Type O positive.

There are eight different common kinds of blood types: O +, O -, A +, A -, B +, B -, AB + and AB. Blood types are inherited and determined by the presence or absence of A and B antigens, which are markers used by the body to identify red blood cells as belonging to your system. These antigens communicate with your body to either accept or reject any foreign substances. During blood transfusions, medical professionals have to take the utmost care in matching blood types. Incompatible blood will be signaled as a foreign entity and can be rejected by the body, causing an adverse reaction.

The chart below indicates compatible blood types:

blood type chart

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